Pray with the road family

The Road Family prays together. 

***Please note this prayer page is for our RRBC Family and Friends only.*** 

Share a personal request and join us as we pray for others!

You can pray for each other and submit prayer requests below. Let others know you have prayed for them by clicking the praying hands icon. This will send them an email notification letting them know someone just prayed for them. 

Approved prayer requests will display below:


I greet you in the powerful name of the Almighty Father God, and his son Christ Yeshua the King. I ask for prayer for Father God to remove out of the hearts of those that have any negative or falsely thoughts about my character and for those individuals to focus on worshipping Christ the King & for Father God to destroy any traps they maybe setting against me and for the power of the Most High God to reverse any negative conspiracies, plans, plots or negative thoughts against me. I stand in agreement with the assigned powerful prayer-warrior(s) over my prayer, Hallelujah. Proverbs 26:27 Amen. Thank you!!


Prayer warriors. I have wonderful friend that is battling something rough . Please send as many prayers up for her . She really needs peace ,comfort and strength to overcome.


Asking for elder and prayer warrior prayers, please: Please pray God come quickly to save, heal and deliver me from every trap and snare of the enemy and from hard testing. Pray to live in the freedom God wants for me and for miracles of healing, deliverance and restoration in Jesus name. Pray God move the mountains in the way of the friendship, love, connection and intimacy with others He wants for me in Jesus name. Pray God remove all guilt, condemnation, unbelief, doubt, shame and fear and show me what to do in my situation step by step in Jesus name. Pray to believe what God says is true and trust in his faithfulness. Pray for a receptive heart and the discernment to know God's will and to walk in God's will. Pray against every stronghold and lie of the enemy in Jesus name and that God's truth prevail in Jesus name. Pray for confident faith and trust in God in Jesus name. Pray for freedom, healing and victory in Christ and that the door on the enemy be closed in Jesus name.


Please pray for… -God to bestow peace and love upon Barb (mother) and Annette (sister) over John unexpectedly dying from an allergic reaction to his medication. Their hearts are absolutely shattered. -God to bring comfort, healing, love and peace to a 5 year old girl who has cancer and her family. -God to give insight, direction, wisdom, protection, peace, help, and desperately needed healing to our utterly devastated Christian friend. Also, that God showers him in love and our friends will open his heart to receive it. -Strength, encouragement, guidance, protection, and wisdom to David and Kaleigh as David assumes his new leading pastor role at the church. Press people to help in the church ministries. Also, that the Lord would quickly find the perfect person to manage David’s T-shirt business so he doesn’t have to close it since it’s been such a blessing to the community. -God to draw Reagan and Rhyme to Him if they aren’t saved. And, Rhyme to be delivered from her phobias, anxiety, eating disorders, and depression along with Reagan’s anxiety and depression. Also, for God to abundantly protect them and give them guidance, wisdom, opportunities, and bless Reagan’s job. Lastly, for God to help me and Reagan connect and grow our relationship somehow. -God to assist in smoothing out our move to WV and the acquisition of our home there. -God would continue to help me with my conservative podcast by guiding, protecting, encouraging, and strengthening me in the process. May He also bring assistance and wisdom to me in the exposure of the subject matters. -God would bless our my brother, David, and parents’ health, minds, finances, and spiritual wellbeing. I pray this for both my husband and I as well. -God would continue to heal Dr. Knox’ heart and overall health and bless his ministries. -God to expose Michaila and Kinsey to their Christian colleges and Christian community so they repent and turn from their evildoings, and Christian society will be protected from them.


Praying to be allowed to return into my children's lives, to be able to see them and see if they are ok.


prayer request form

The Road family prays together. Share a personal request and join us as we pray for others! 

Please note that prayer requests should be personal and only about you or your immediate family. Requests that are outside of your family will not be posted publicly out of respect for others privacy. 

 ***Also please note this prayer page is for our RRBC Family and Friends only.***